Strand 1: Diversity of matter
Sub-strand 1: Living and non-living things
Content standard 1: Demonstrate an understanding of the physical features and life processes of living things and use this understanding to classify them
Indicator and Exemplars 1: Know the basic structure of plants (roots, stem, leaves, flowers)
1. The basic parts of the plant are ___
A. ____________
B. ____________
C. ____________
D. ____________
2. Which part of the plant is found in the soil? ______________
3. What is a plant?
4. Mention three things we get from plants.
5. State the function (s) of the roots of the plant.
6. How does water and nutrients help the plant?
1. The basic parts of the plant are ___
A. Flower
B. Leaves
C. Stem
D. Roots
2. Which part of the plant is found in the soil? Roots
3. What is a plant?
A plant is a living thing that grows in the soil.
4. Mention three things we get from plants.
A. We get food from plants
B. We get medicine from plants
C. Plants give us shade
D. Plants are used to make furniture
E. Charcoal is also gotten from plants etc.
5. State the function (s) of the roots of the plant.
A. It holds the plant firmly in the soil
B. It gets water and nutrients from the soil to the plant
6. How does water and nutrients help the plant?
They help the plant by making it grow well.

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