Strand 1: Number
Sub-Strand 1: Counting, Representation, Cardinality & Ordinality
CONTENT STANDARD 1: Demonstrate an understanding of quantities and place value for multi-digit numerals up to 1,000, 000,000 or 1 billion
INDICATORS AND EXEMPLARS 1: Model number quantities up to 1,000,000 using graph sheets and multi-base block
E.g.1. Ask pupils to model number quantities up to 1,000,000 using graph sheets or multi-base materials. For instance, with multi-base block, a cube = 1000 unit; a rod = 10,000; a flat = 100,000 and a block = 1,000,000; learners model 436,000 with the appropriate materials

Text Book Reference: Golden Mathematics For Basic Schools 6
Facilitator: Collins Tawiah

From the above E.g. 1, the curriculum asked us to model number quantities using either graph sheet or multi-base materials.
So in this case, we will model using the multi-base material.
We represent a cube = 1000unit, a rod = 10,000unit, a flat = 100,000unit and a block = 1,000,000unit.
Let us take the example given, 436, 000
Now we have two options to use when it comes to the multi-base material. I mean the design
First Option 

Second Option

Now the option you choose depends on you, But i will advice if you use the first option since it is the easiest design.

So let us model the example given, 436 000


1. Expand the number ; 436 000 = 400 000 + 30 000 + 6 000

2. From the expansion and the multi-base materials given, there are 6 cubes, 3 rods and 4 flats.

Now take a look at the answer when you model using both multi-base materials given

I hope with the explanation and the example given above, you can model given numbers using the multi-base materials.

Now Answer the givens given below , and compare the answers you get with the ones given.

Use Multi-base materials to model the numbers given;

1. 625 000                                6. 361 000

2. 143 000                                7. 431 000

3. 327 000                                8. 112 000

4. 217 000                                 9. 452 000

5. 237 000                                 10. 649 000

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{NAME: Collins Kyei Tawiah}











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